Every child in the world can count on a friend for study.
The Institute of Education at the American University of Central Asia (IOE @ AUCA) and Bilimkana Foundation Schools (BFS) Kyrgyzstan.
We are staring with 5th grade Mathematics, as per Kyrgyz Ministry of Education Curricular Standards
For peer-tutoring video lessons, students are recruited from Bilimkana Foundation Schools.
Content curators (teachers) are BFS teachers and AUCA Mathematics Faculty.
Evidence building plan: randomized trial and feedback from BFS schools
Gadget work-around plan: buying and refurbishing used smart-phones
Securing funding for expanding coverage of subject areas and grade levels
Secure seed funds to engage more peer tutors, more curators / mentors for more subjects in more languages
Develop primary grade content for all subjects in multiple languages
Secure funding pledge for app development
Secure funding pledge for 2000 low-cost smart phone for off-line viewing
Secure government support for pubic school partnerships in Kyrgyzstan
Procure and deliver 2020 mobile device in rural schools by August 1, 2020
Present “evidence” to world audience: UN agencies, World Bank, Foundations